Agile project management has been gaining traction in the US military in recent years to improve the efficiency and flexibility of military operations. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, …
My Personal Leadership Philosophy
My leadership philosophy, last updated , is a living document developed over 20+ years and multiple levels of professional military education, self-education, and formal education. It is what guides …
Cloud Computing – A Dramatic Increase in Business Processes
It is known in this age that cloud computing and machine learning is the way to go for organizations to remain competitive. Organizations can benefit from understanding how the two technologies, …
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Machine Learning: Adopt or Die
With the use of cloud computing, high-capacity systems, and high-performance computing, organizations these days can collect loads of data - often referred to as "Big Data". But what can organizations …
Innovation Culture – Ways to Create an Innovative Organization and Beat the Competition
Most organizations spend all their time trying to improve performance yet leave out the very thing that could halve their efforts and multiply their success. Typically, their culture focuses on …
Ransomware, a Changing Threat
In 2016, ransomware became the biggest malware threat on the Internet. It provides a direct financial return, without having to resell information, so it’s attractive to criminals. The …